
cropped-160401FTDWebsiteMsthdSquare512-1.jpgWe are looking for Pageant Contestants who are dreamers, who know that their future success is empowered by their having a goal, dream or purpose, right now.

Those accepted as Contestants will need to be available to attend scheduled part time 1 and 2 hour classes or seminars to cover a variety of topics to help them prepare for a more successful future and for their Pageant Performance, a total of at least 4 class, seminar, workshop and training hours total.  Some of the classes will be very interactive.

The final “Miss Follow the Dream” winner will be chosen based on a combination of the Contestant Application Form including the Essay, class participation, an oral exam before a panel of judges where the Contestant will have the opportunity to demonstrate how well she has absorbed the material presented to her during this course of study.

The final Beauty and talent Pageant and crowning of Miss Follow the Dream will take place on September 17 at the Wyndham Hotel in York PA.  The seminar and class schedule will begin in August in Red Lion, PA and during the final week before the Pageant.  The sessions will include photo opportunities in different venues in York County, PA.   The best of the photos taken of the contestants will be posted at the Follow the Dream website.

There will be opportunities to do a reading of your essay or show your talent at other events during the summer leading up to the final Pageant in September.  While not mandatory to attend, these appearances are opportunities for extra credit towards the final score of each contestant who volunteers to participate.

An example of such an opportunity is the 5th Annual Heritage Picnic during the summer, of the Philippine American Heritage Council, where contestants will be presented by longstanding Picnic Sponsor, the President of the Follow the Dream Scholarship Pageant, Alma Gohn.

Your Application

The Contestant Application Form contains a variety of questions and a place for you to write or post your essay, from 500 words minimum to 1,000 words maximum:

Why I believe in
The Power of the Dream

You may wish to write your essay on a separate word document and then use copy/paste to transfer it to the Application Form.   In fact, you may wish to review the Application Form in advance to make sure you have collected together in one place (such as a word document) the information that you will need to complete your Contestant Application.  You may also download the entire application as a PDF in order to fill it out with pencil in advance prior to then filling out the electronic application form.  Or you may mail the written application to the address provided if you prefer.

Important: The Contestant Application Form includes this statement: “Except for your personal contact information (and that of your parents) which remains confidential, you agree that this information including your your essay, may be used by The Follow the Dream Scholarship Pageant at their website and other publications at their sole discretion.”

Contestant Application Click HERE

If you prefer to fill out the form in a hard copy format, download the form here and print it out.