Previous Winner Becky Hamme passing the crown to 2015 Miss Follow The Dream Scholarship Pageant winner, Suzanne Perez

Suzanne Perez, 2015 Miss Follow The Dream Scholarship Pageant Winner, feeling the moment of being crowned held at Wyndham Garden at York, PA.

5_2015 Scholarship Winner
Crowning Moment
The Crowning Moment for Suzanne Perez by FTD Chairman Amalia Gohn with flowers donated by US Retail Flowers, Inc. (Jackie Dahms)

L to R: Jolly Regis (Best In Long Gown), Kai Jenne Regis, Courtney Harland, Karla Jara (2nd runner up), Kristelle Beltran (1st runner up), Rebecca Feye Hamme (2012 Follow The Dream pageant winner), Suzanne Perez (2012 Miss Follow The Dream pageant winner, formerly Miss Teen USA 2015, currently competing for Miss California 2016), Elise Shoemaker, Amalia Gohn (FTD Chairman), Jem Frances Matias (3rd runner up); Cassie Orwig (4th runner up)

Best in Long Gown Winner Jolly Regis, Best in Long Gown winner, 2015 Miss Follow the Dream competition.

After the group dance, contestants introduced themselves. Suzanne Perez introducing herself on the picture.

Entrance Dance of the Contestants for the Final Follow the Dream competition night also highlighted the launching of the new Pageant T-shirts with logo printed in front.
The contestants with the new winner
The contestants with the new winner

After the crowning of the winners (L to R): previous Scholarship Pageant Winner – Becky Hamme, 2015 Pageant Winner – Suzanne Perez, and National Anthem Singer – Elise Shoemaker) Group Long Gown – Gowns donated by David’s Bridal of York PA (from left to right Jolly Regis, Kai Jennie Regis, Courtney Harland, Karla Jara, Kristelle Beltran, Becky Hamme, Suzanne Perez, Elise Shoemaker, Jem Frances Matias, Cassie Orwig, and Follow the Dream Chairman Amalia Gohn)

(L to R) Cassandra “Cassie” Carter, 4th runner up winner, also winner for Long Gown; Miss Follow The Dream winner, Rebecca, being crowned by Follow the Dream Chairman, Amalia Ghon; Karla Jara, 3rd runner up; Kristelle Beltran, 2nd runner up; Elizabeth Kuhn, 1st runner up with Misty Goldstein, pinning the sash.